Don’t Be A Laptop Loser!

Laptops and Ergonomics: this is almost a contradiction! With a fixed design, if the keyboard is in an optimal position for the user, the screen isn’t and if the screen is optimal the keyboard isn’t. This results in a higher incidence of repetitive strain injuries than the desktop computer. Laptops were originally designed for convenience […]

It’s no secret that travel is stressful and airplane seats are tiny. Though you can’t do much when you’re squashed into the middle seat, here’s a few little Yoga stretches that can help relieve your cramped muscles and reduce your stress without getting into your neighbor’s personal space: AIRPLANE YOGA STRETCHES! 1. Neck Rolls After […]
2024 Welcome to our Blog!

In our ongoing attempts to keep up with technology we have added various social media. This will help to keep you informed about our health services and the latest events at the our clinic, excited about your health choices, and updated on health matters relevent to you. On our Facebook Page we will post links to […]
COVID Protection Measures at Pacific Chiropractic and Massage Therapy
As health care providers, your chiropractic and massage therapy healthcare team want you to know we are taking your safety very seriously. As a doctor, I rely on information which is scientifically proven and medically backed and, accordingly, are closely monitoring and adhering to the advice given by public health officials. Our commitment to putting […]
Preparation for Your Visit
PREPARATION FOR YOUR VISIT Our commitment to putting the health and safety of our patients and staff first is unwavering. We have always taken pride in the cleanliness of our clinic and we would like to advise you of some of the safety measures and procedures we are following to help protect you and our […]
Setting Health Goals and Your Success in 2019

An excerpt from The Power of Discipline by Brian Tracy Your ability to discipline yourself to set clear goals, and then to work toward them every day, will do more to guarantee your success than any other single factor. It seems that only 3% of adults have written goals and plans, and they earn more than the […]
Need an Attitude Adjustment?
It has been said the upwards of 90% of communication between human beings are what we call “non verbal” communication. That is, our facial expressions, eye position, movements and importantly our posture. These are called non verbal “cues”. Subconsciously, we “read” others and form opinions, judgments, and make decisions subconsciously based on these non verbal […]
Can Posture Affect Your Breathing? Chiropractic care may help!
The subject of posture is a big one, especially for Chiropractors these days. Although in my office, I see many patients for many different types of complaints, a significant portion can be directly attributed to not only poor posture in general, but specifically a forward head posture. Just walk into any coffee shop and you […]
Can Poor Posture Cause Arthritis?
Posture, both good and bad, absolutely can have an impact on osteoarthritis. How does bad posture affect osteoarthritis? Chronic bad posture places abnormal chronic stresses on your body. Normally, the muscles protect the bones and joints. However, these abnormal stresses make it harder for your muscles to take the pressure off your joints-and your joints end up […]
How Sitting is the New Smoking
There’s no sugar-coating it: North Americans sit a lot, especially if you reside in a tech-savvy area of Vancouver like Yaletown. Two-thirds of the North American workforce sits for all or part of their workday.1 When you don’t adjust your posture frequently enough, you’re more likely to experience discomfort while sitting–and you’re inviting a whole […]