Our commitment to putting the health and safety of our patients and staff first is unwavering. We have always taken pride in the cleanliness of our clinic and we would like to advise you of some of the safety measures and procedures we are following to help protect you and our staff during your upcoming appointment.
Please check the box next to all 5 questions approximately 24 hours prior to your appointment:
- Please arrive at your recommended appointment time and not early. We are attempting to reduce any potential contact with other patients, and have reduced our waiting room to one chair. If possible, please use your bathroom facilities prior your arriving at the clinic
- Please do not arrive at the office sweaty. If you use a bike to commute – please allow yourself enough time to cool down and dry off.
- Please bring a mask to your appointment.
- Your temperature will be taken upon arrival prior to entering the clinic.
- Shara will direct you to the specific treatment room.
Please be aware that all treatment tables, chairs and touch points have been sanitized prior to your arrival.
The visit will proceed with both doctor and patient wearing a mask.
After your visit:
- Please proceed directly to the front. Our payment terminal is “tap enabled”.
- Please use the hand sanitizer dispenser on the way out. There are dispensers on both sides of the front door.
Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to see you!